Humanities Homework Help

Florida International University Alternative Dispute Resolution Questions


Hello, I need to do my introduction to the class. I pput a short answer so I need that you expland my answer. Thanks!!! First semester and first class. This class is about mediation

Using this forum, provide a short biography and introduce yourself to the class by providing the following information:

  1. What you are studying or major?  ——– expland , Psychology 
  2. What is your student status (Freshman, Junior, Sophomore, Senior, Graduate, other)——- expland, Freshman
  3. What is your profession or profession you plan to work in?—expland -behavior analisis because current work is behavior therapist 
  4. What led you to take this course?—- resp
  5. What expectations do you have about this course?—resp
  6. What other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) related courses or workshops have you attended?—-resp
  7. What mediation experiences do you have either as a mediator, client, or observer, etc.?—–resp