Humanities Homework Help

Walden University Week 5 Global Threats Discussion


I’m trying to study for my History course and I need some help to understand this question.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Ivanov, I. (2000). The Missile-Defense Mistake – Undermining Strategic Stability and the ABM Treaty. Foreign Affairs, 79(5), 15-20.

Gilbert, M. (2014). History of the twentieth century.

  • Read Chapters 11 and 12.

Moss, W. G. (2008). An age of progress? Clashing twentieth-century global forces.

  • Read Chapter 5

Martinez, J. M. (2012). Terrorist attacks on American soil: From the civil war era to the present.

  • Read Chapter 12

In this Discussion, you will evaluate threats faced by the world and their lasting effects today.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the Gilbert, Moss, and Martinez readings as well as all articles from this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Reflect upon the types of threats that people faced in the 20th century.
  • Call to mind the groups and/or nations that pose physical threats to others. How were they a threat? Why?
  • Draw from this week’s readings and reflect upon the unlikely alliances that were created and if they were formed under duress or necessity.
  • Consider the correlation between threats to certain nations and international relationships. What is the connection between threats and relationships in the local communities?
  • Think about how the world is still feeling the effects of the threats of this era.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post by Day 3 an analysis (3–4 paragraphs) of the major challenges nations across the world faced at the end of the 20th century. Pay close attention to the extent to which events between 1945-2000 shaped issues related to human rights and freedom (politically, socially, economically, etc).

Be sure to support your ideas by properly citing at least one of week’s Learning Resources, in APA format, within your initial post. As this is a post-first discussion board, you will not be able to see the work of your peers until you have posted the initial discussion requirement for the week.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

By Day 5

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.