Humanities Homework Help

WST 332 Arguments of a False Dichotomy Discussion


I’m trying to study for my Sociology course and I need some help to understand this question.

The questions you are required to answer are below.

Each answer must include only grammatically correct, complete sentences.

Whenever you use a quote from the assigned content, please be sure to properly cite that information.

Imagine you are speaking with someone who has never before taken a Women’s and Gender Studies course.

Please explain to them what a “false dichotomy” is.

Your explanation must be a minimum of three (3) sentences long.

In your explanation you are required to quote from/cite/reference *either* assigned course content *or* scholarly, peer-reviewed academic sources from one of these fields of study:

Women’s and Gender Studies, feminist studies, queer studies, LBGTQQIA studies, Gender Studies, sexuality studies, and/or identity studies.

To begin, be sure to read or reread the following works : (attached)

Do independent research in order to find at least one (1) example of a dichotomy or dualism (yes, it can be a false dichotomy).

Your example must directly relate to gender *and* environments (“environments” should be broadly defined; consider how we study “environments” in this course: physical, political, and social environments, for example).

You are required to formally cite the source/s that you use.

You are required to use outside source/s- i.e. beyond this class’s assigned content.

Your explanation must be a minimum of three (3) sentences long.

Explain in detail how the example you provide in your answer to question two:

illustrates a dichotomy or dualism, and

directly relates to gender *and* environments (remember, “environments” should be broadly defined; consider how we study “environments” in this course: physical, political, and social environments, for example).

Please offer details to justify your answer.

Please directly quote from an appropriate academic source (course content and/or outside source/s) at least once in your response.

Your explanation must be a minimum of three (3) sentences long.