Humanities Homework Help

Joliet Junior College Utopianism and Modern Utopias Discussion


After completing the lectures/reading (An Introduction to Utopianism & Modern Utopias), engage in a discussion. Begin a Reply response to the text of 150 words minimum, including a brief quote from the text. In this case, a paraphrase will do! Your Reply must attempt to be original (at the time of posting) and contain a distinct quote (or paraphrase – this time only!) from the assigned reading as textual evidence. In your response, think carefully about the idea presented in the text and why it is presented in that way (based on cultural needs/desires or historical time period), and how it compares to our culture and time period. For example, if you write about the idea of work, compare it to our concept of work. Or if you write about marriage laws, consider what marriage must have been like hundreds or thousands of years ago, especially for women [i.e. they didn’t marry “for love”] and how it has changed today.