Humanities Homework Help

ANT 2401 Brookhaven College Module 1 What I Know Now Journal


What I Know Now Journal – Module 1


Do you ever wonder how much you’ve learned when you complete a course? This journal format allows us (you and me) to visually track your learning. You’ll answer a set of questions before you begin working on a module and then again at the end, providing a side-by-side comparison of your understanding of course topics.

The first entry requires no research or reading. Simply answer the questions based on what you already know. If you know a lot, great! Condense your knowledge into a paragraph or two and respond to the question. Or you may know nothing or may not understand the question. That’s fine, too! Simply state that in your response.

Once you’ve completed the module, you will return to the same questions and complete the second column. Here you should be careful to refer to the material from this course. The questions don’t read “Define Term X, as used in this course” but assume that “as used in this course” or “as explained in this course” is in each question. Be sure to support your response with specific examples that demonstrate your understanding.

Ready to begin? Read through the instructions, then complete and submit the table at the end with your entries.