Humanities Homework Help

Florida State at Jacksonville Their Eyes Were Watching God by Huston Questions


Janie’s American Dream is a Dream fundamentally linked to her realization of selfhood and an organic union with another in a period when women, especially women of color, are forced to accept traditional expectations of womanhood both confining and subservient.

Defend the above addressing the following points:

1) Janie’s American Dream and her search for the “horizon” while navigating three distinct communities and their expectations of normalcy. (100 words minimum)

2) The North Florida Panhandle, Nanny, Logan, and their history and expectations of normalcy regarding The American Dream. (100 words minimum)

3) Eatonville, Joe Stark, the community of men and women in Eatonville, and their expectations of normalcy regarding The American Dream. (100 words minimum)

4) Tea Cake, their time in Jacksonville, the community of men and women on the Muck, and their expectations of normalcy regarding The American Dream. (100 words minimum)

Please address the readings and learning modules as part of your response. Avoid, phrases such as: “I think,” “to me,” “in my opinion,” and “I agree.” Simply present your argument with supporting material from the course.