Humanities Homework Help

PSY 301 CU The Book River End by Nora Roberts Discussion


I’m working on a psychology question and need guidance to help me study.

To prepare for this discussion, please read:

  • Chapter 10: Aggression
  • Chapter 11: prosocial behavior
  • Chapter 12: Attraction and Relationships
  • Love: What it is, Why does it matter, and How does it operate
  • Perceptions of love Across the lifespan: Differences in passion, intimacy, and Commitment
  • The lucifer Effect The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo

In this discussion, you will consider social interaction, including aggression and prosocial behavior as well as attraction and relationships.

First, select a book, play, television show, movie, etc., that contains adequate social interaction illustrating both a friend or romantic relationship and an example of aggression or prosocial behavior. Provide necessary information such as the general plot and key characters for the class to understand if they are not familiar with the source. Then, complete the following:

  • Interpret a depicted voluntary (i.e., friend or romantic) relationship from a social psychological perspective. Point out specific examples to illustrate the following:
    • Which of the various factors in attraction are present in this relationship?
    • Is the relationship based on friendship or love? If love, what type of love is portrayed?
  • Examine a scenario from the source you selected that illustrates either aggression or prosocial behavior.
  • Identify specific course concepts in your analysis, pointing out relevant theory and research. Note that you must utilize at least one relevant scholarly source in addition to your textbook for this portion of the discussion.
    • Aggression:
  • Examine research that examines a possible source of aggression (e.g., the media, weapons, alcohol, environmental factors, etc.). Give specific examples.
  • Explain why this particular variable is/is not harmful. How does this theory/research apply to the scenario you described?
    • Prosocial Behavior:
  • Examine research on prosocial behavior, predicting who will help whom, when, and why (e.g., empathy, cultural norms, gender, religiosity, etc.).
  • Assess whether this information might be useful in reducing aggression/violence. How does this theory/research apply to the scenario you described?
  • For both of the above (attraction and aggression/prosocial behavior),
    • Distinguish situational factors that may influence social relations (attraction, aggression, prosocial behavior, etc.).
    • Discuss the impact of social and cultural differences on social relations (attraction, aggression, prosocial behavior, etc.).

To fully demonstrate content knowledge and critical thinking, in your Social Relations discussion,

  • Your original post should be a minimum of 300 words.

Peer 1 Response (minimum 300 words response)


The movie I picked for this discussion is Beauty and the Beast. Beauty and the Beast is about a girl named Belle who falls in love with a beast, which is actually a man but is cursed as a beast until he can make someone fall in love with him.

Attraction factors that are present in this relationship are loneliness and insecure attachment style. The relationship between the Beast and Belle is a companionate love relationship.

The Beauty and the Beast show many prosocial behaviors. One example of a prosocial behavior scene is when wolves were attacking Belle, and although it was a dangerous situation, the Beast came and saved her.

Reis and Aron (2008) state that companionate love is “a relationship built on mutual expectations that oneself and a partner will be responsive to each other’s needs” (p. 83). Although the wolves attacking Belle was a dangerous situation, his action in saving her was a prosocial behavior because it was to benefit her. Helping someone in need without expecting anything in return is prosocial behavior (Feenstra, 2020).

The most prominent characteristic of a person that shows prosocial behaviors is one that has empathy. Empathy plays a crucial role in prosocial behaviors.

Showing compassion and empathy towards others is necessary to reduce violence towards others and even helps you be fearless when a loved one is in danger. In the scene of Belle being attacked by wolves, the Beast saved her by pure reaction and did not think twice about doing it. This prosocial behavior showed that the thought of the Beast being killed by the wolves did not even cross his mind, and the only thought he had was to save her life.

Situational factors that may influence social relations would be intimacy, caring, and trust one has for another. Given that every culture is unique in its own way, it may play a huge role in social relations with one another. For example, child development plays a huge role in the amount of empathy one has for another.

Peer 2 (minimum 300 words response)

The show that I picked was Martin. I think this show had it all, love, empathy, aggression, and pro-social behavior. Class, let me share. I was unsure how to start this or what I really wanted to say – I ended up having a lot I wanted to say based on the reading. So here goest……………………..

Show of choice, “Martin”.

The relationship that I chose to write about is from the tv show “Martin.” The main characters in this show were Martin and Gina. Gina was his love interest. Also, they lived together; they sometimes seemed to be separated a lot. But for the most part, they were always together. Repeated exposure to people and objects is related to greater liking for those people or objects (Inoue, Yagi, & Sato, 2018; Ladd, Toscano, Cowings, & Gabrieli, 2014; Monahan, Murphy, & Zajonc, 2000; Van Dessel, Mertens, Smith, & De Houwer, 2019; Zajonc, 1968). The relationship also included friends, including Pam who was Gina’s best friend, Tommy, and Cole, who were Martin’s friends. This show takes place in Detroit, Michigan.

Although this show is about Martin and Gina being in a relationship, in this show, Martin always showed Gina that regardless he truly loved her, and he valued her. And he made sure that she knew that he found her very attractive. We see, that “the partners of more attractive dates liked them more and showed a greater desire to go out with them again (Walster, Aronson, Abrahams, & Rottman, 1966).” This show showed that this relationship was entirely based on love. The attraction factor present is proximity, but he was sometimes selfish and very much a free spirit. Also, this shows a lot of Martin being insensitive, inappropriate, and sometimes mean, but he loved Gina. And this behavior caused her to show some aggressive behavior. When she found employment in another city, he tried to ensure that she would never leave, which was one of his altruistic behaviors. He felt like this was for her best interest and had nothing to do with him or his self–interest. But his desire for her to stay in Detroit was all about him.

One of the things that we see is that Martin loved all of his family and friends. We engage in altruism, according to researchers, when we feel empathy for another person. Empathy is an emotion that people feel when they adopt another person’s perspective (Hoffman, 1981; Howe, 2013). We see that his love interest Gina was the main character who, based on his behavior, continually showed a lot of aggression. This aggression was based on the behavior of Martin, which was him being insensitive and inappropriate at times.

When we look at who we will befriend or love, normally it is those who are closes. Proximity determines a lot when we think of what we will get to know. We become familiar, and as those things close. Surprisingly, simple proximity, or propinquity, has a lot to do with whom we meet and become friends (Echols & Graham, 2013; Shin et al., 2019). What is considered attractive is different from all cultures. When it comes to attraction, different cultures have different definitions and views of what is attractive.