Humanities Homework Help

Ensamble Folclorico Colibr & El Circo Nuevo Leon Videos Observation Lists


1) Choose two dances from Module 3: Folklórico & Gender which you will focus on this week.

2) Watch the two videos a number of times. Using the Movement Observation Guidelines from Module 2 as a guide, take notes on the dances. What do they look like based on your perception? Who is dancing? How are their bodies moving? What parts of the bodies are commonly used? How do the dancers move in space? Where is the dance happening, as far as you can tell? What are the dancers wearing? Is there a story that you can glean from the dancing, or does it appear to be an abstract dance?

How is gender being represented? How is gender being constructed? How is gender being subverted?

3) From your notes, make a list denoting what you consider to be the most significant movement observations that you witnessed for each of the two videos you viewed. For each video you are required to come up with at least 5 short movement observations. You should therefore have a total of at least 10 observations for this assignment. You do not have to write your observations in full sentences. They can consist of short phrases like “fast footwork” or “women dancing as men”. I am not expecting you to know any specific terminology either. Rather, the assignment is simply to write what you see after careful observation. Make sure that you separate the observations for each video, as opposed to joining all 10 observations together. Also ensure that you identify which videos correspond with which observations. This list should be added at the beginning of your reflection paper.


Once you have completed your reflections, use your list of movement observations to develop a 2-3- page paper addressing EACH of the following prompts below. Use these prompts as a starting point for your paper. DO NOT simply answer “yes” or “no” but allow your responses to develop with evidence from your readings and viewings. I am looking for your ability to clearly articulate your ideas with supporting movement descriptions and textual support.

  • Individually describe each of the two dances you viewed, including information you recorded in your notes. Who is dancing? How are their bodies moving? What are the dancers wearing? Where are they dancing? Do they take up a lot of room, or do they stay in one place? Do the dancers face each other in a circle or face the audience in a line? Who are they dancing for? What kind of musical or rhythmic accompaniment do they have? Who is dancing? How are their bodies moving? What parts of the bodies are commonly used? How do the dancers move in space? Where is the dance happening, as far as you can tell? What are the dancers wearing? Is there a story that you can glean from the dancing? Please use Sklar’s Movement Observation Guidelines from the previous module to assist with your movement descriptions.
  • Address how the movements in the two videos compare to each other in relation to gender representation. How is gender being represented in each of the videos? How is gender being constructed? How is gender being subverted? What are the similarities? What are the differences? Be specific and support your answer with evidence from the videos.
  • Discuss these observations in relation to at least one of the readings from the module. You should use at least one quote that you found stimulating and helps you expand on your discussion. Use in-text citations.

Remember to start your paper off with your 10 observations in list form. The rest of your essay will be in paragraph form, 2-3 pages, double-spaced, in 12pt Times New Roman. Please include a title at the beginning and in-text citations for the videos and texts that you discuss. If you used outside sources, (sources that were not covered in class), then you MUST include a Works Cited page at the end of your paper. This does not contribute to your 2-3 pages.

To recap, your paper must include the following:

1) Your name, instructor name, class and section number, and date

2) A Title for your paper

3) Your list of 10 observations for each of the 2 dances observed

4) Your 2-3- page essay in paragraph form with in-text citations.

5) An additional page entitled Works Cited with your citations, only if you used outside sources.

Note: Please use the rubric provided with this assignment to guide your writing.

Also, please attach your file in doc. or pdf. format ONLY for this assignment.