Humanities Homework Help

Hult The Important Denotations and Connotations of The Word Disruption Ques


In final assignment you will analyse two complex texts from a menu of four. For each text, you will have to answer four questions—three can be addressed in a paragraph or two each; the last will require a short essay.

To answer the questions successfully, you will have to assess the persuasive value of the texts, determining how well they present data, construct arguments, and use language. To do this, you will have to apply concepts and methods presented, developed, and practiced in class.

The texts will be available a week in advance of the specific questions you will have to answer about them. After the questions are made available, you will have 48 hours to submit your responses.

Here is a rubric

60% Command

of the material


Detailed and accurate

command of assigned

reading and class

material. Evidence of appropriate supplementary reading. Theories and concepts applied persuasively to practical problems and questions. Nuanced, well-supported generalization and analysis. Honest awareness of one’s own ethical intuitions and weaknesses.


Good knowledge of

reading and class

material. Theories and concepts applied effectively to practical problems and questions. Sound generalization, analysis, and self-awareness.


Significant gaps

or inaccuracies.

Theories and concepts not always applied appropriately to practical problems and questions.

Unconvincing generalization, analysis, and self-awareness


Weak command of

course material.

Reliance only on class material.

Theories and concepts applied unsuccessfully to practical problems and questions.

. Little or dubious generalization and analysis


Little evidence of reading or understanding. No attempt to apply theoretical material, or at generalization and analysis.

30% Structure and organization


Topic addressed without omission, digression, or repetition. Clear structure: introduction with thesis statement; logical development with topic sentences; satisfying conclusion. Generalizations supported by specific evidence. Important points emphasized; trivialities avoided.


Minor digression, omissions, or repetitions. Some lack of structural clarity or coherence.

Some unsupported generalizations. Some misplaced emphasis.


Significant failures of organization. Distracting digressions, repetitions, omissions, misplaced emphases. Repeated unsupported generalizations.


Poor organization and structure. Topic not clearly addressed.


Organization so poor as to impair understanding. Topic ignored.

10% Writing and presentation


Writing precise, correct, engaging.


Minor infelicities in writing.


Significant problems with clarity and correctness in writing.


Writing problems impair understanding.



Word porridge

You should answer two of the question sets below. They are of equal value — 15% each. Make sure to label your answers so I know which sets you have chosen and which questions you are answering. Please submit your answers in a single Word document.

Question set A

Adrian Daub, “The Disruption Con” (Links to an external site.)

1 According to Adrian Daub, what are the important denotations and connotations of the word “disruption” in current discussions of technological change and business development? [1 or 2 paragraphs/10 points]

2 How, according to Joseph Schumpeter, might “creative destruction” preserve capitalism in the short term, but make it unsustainable in the long term? [1 paragraph/5 points]

3 According to Daub, how is “disruption”, in current usage, different from “creative destruction”? [1 or 2 paragraphs/10 points]

4 Daub gives us two models of change: “disruption” and “gradual progress”. What, in his view, or the advantages and disadvantages of each? To what extent are you persuaded by his analysis? Why, or why not? [Roughly 500 words/25 points]

Question set B

Tim Harford, “Facts vs Feelings” (Links to an external site.)

1 Tim Harford says: “When it comes to interpreting the world around us, . . . our feelings can trump our expertise.” What does he mean by this? Give an example from your own experience. [1 or 2 paragraphs/10 points]

2 What is “motivated reasoning”? Give a definition in your own words. [1 sentence/5 points]

3 Harford says: “It’s far easier to lead ourselves astray when the practical consequences of being wrong are small or non-existent, while the social consequences of being “wrong” are severe.” What does he mean by this? Give an example from your own experience. [1 or 2 paragraphs/10 points]

4 Harford thinks we can learn to control our emotions when evaluating data. What tools and strategies does he suggest? Give an example from your experience of how these techniques might be used. Do you think they are likely to be effective? Why, or why not? [Roughly 500 words/25 points]

Question set C

Cal Newport, “The Rise and Fall of Getting Things Done” (Links to an external site.)

1 What, according to Cal Newport, is the history of the concept of “personal productivity”? How has it changed the way office workers approach their work and are evaluated by others? [1 or 2 paragraphs/10 points]

2 How, according to Peter Drucker, is “knowledge work” different from other work? How do those differences affect the evaluation of employee performance? [1 paragraph/5 points]

3 What is GTD? How does it apparently make work in an organization more productive and less anxious? Why did Michael Mann become disenchanted with it? [1 or 2 paragraphs/10 points]

4 How does Newport think the negative consequences of “knowledge-worker autonomy” might be mitigated? What are the possible side-effects of the change in business culture he suggests? Do you think that change would be beneficial? Why, or why not? Give your reasons. [Roughly 500 words/25 points]

Question set D

Jonathan Franzen, “What if we stopped pretending?” (Links to an external site.)

1 What does Jonathan Franzen mean by “climate apocalypse is messy”? Why does he think that messiness makes it harder for us to comprehend and combat than other existential threats? [1 or two paragraphs/10 points]

2 Franzen says: “All-out war on climate change made sense only as long as it was winnable. Once you accept that we’ve lost it, other kinds of action take on greater meaning.” What, according to him, should we do instead of all-out war on climate change? [1 or 2 paragraphs/10 points]

3 Why does Franzen end his article with a description of the “Homeless Garden Project”? [1 paragraph/5 points]

4 This article was enormously controversial when it appeared two years ago? Why do you think it upset many people? Do you find it persuasive? Why, or why not? [Roughly 500 words/25 points]
