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SOC 201 Grambling State University Chapter 8 Deviance Questions


SOC 201 Chapter 8 Assignment: Deviance

Read “Chapter eight assignment reading” then do the following:

  1. Write about two situations in which you were tempted to engage in a deviant act but did not, then use control theory to explain why you did not deviate. Be specific.
  2. Write about two situations in which you did engage in deviance. Did you find yourself using any of the techniques of neutralization? Explain. Be specific.

Make sure you demonstrate a clear understanding of both control theory and the techniques of neutralization if you wish to be eligible for full credit.

3. Read “Chapter eight assignment reading II,” which details the conflict perspective on class, crime, and the criminal justice system. The basic position of conflict theorists is that those with power and authority use the law as a tool to get what they want and to control potentially ‘problematic’ groups (in other words, groups who are a perceived threat to their power and authority). Accordingly, the criminal justice system is, from the conflict perspective, ‘an instrument of oppression’. Do you agree with their position? Tell me why or why not, using BOTH personal experience and material from the book.

Remember, conflict theorists are not saying this is the way it should be. Rather, they are saying this is the way it is. In fact, conflict theorists do not want it to be this way and most actively resist inequality through various means, including direct action and public protest.