Humanities Homework Help

Family and Household Diversity Discussion Questions



Based on information you learned in the chapter (not personal opinion or experience), answer the following questions:

  • If a matchmaker was going to arrange a marriage for you based on the the social norms associated with partnering in the US (including rules of endogamy/exogamy), who would likely be selected for you (gender, sexual orientation, race, socioeconomic status, etc)? (remember this question is NOT asking you what the characteristics are of a person you would select for yourself, but speaks to the social norms that we tend to follow by being socialized in the US).
  • How would this person be similar to and different from who you think you would choose for yourself?
  • Make sure to take into account social norms for partnering in terms of gender, race, socioeconomic status, rules of endogamy/exogamy,etc. 


  • Read Chapter 12, The Family and Household Diversity, in your text.  Your assignment must be informed by information from the chapter. No outside/web sources, please.