Humanities Homework Help

Texas Tech University Early Human Development History Paper


Question: We covered a lot of information that relates to the topic of evolution and early human development. Using evidence from the TED talk and/or the textbook, what do you believe to be the two most important adaptations/ developments that allowed early humans to survive and thrive? Why were those so important and why do you think those contributed to the high level of human development?

Instructions: Remember, your essay must follow a formal essay structure. You need an introduction with a thesis, the body of the essay must provide evidence proving your argument, and you need a clear conclusion. I am looking for detail and analysis in the essay. You also need to include THREE direct quotes from the TED talk. These will serve as the evidence for your argument, so choose direct quotes that help prove your thesis. You will want to include those quotes and explain them within the context of your argument. If you cite the TED talk, you do NOT need to give a specific quote. Instead, paraphrase and then provide a citation that simply gives the name of the speaker. DO NOT USE QUOTES FROM ANY OTHER SOURCES.

ted talks link: Neil MacGregor: 2600 years of history in one object | TED Talk

Zeresenay Alemseged: The search for humanity’s roots | TED Talk

Yuval Noah Harari: What explains the rise of humans? | TED Talk