Humanities Homework Help

RELS 3704 UM Level of Cohesion in Sura 5 of the Holy Quran Discussion


I’m working on a religion writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

1) Is sura 5 a coherent text with a clear message that is developed from the sura’s beginning to its end? If so, what are the textual blocks that comprise this sura? How do these blocks relate to each other? And how do they develop the sura’s main message and theme(s)? What are the turns of phrase or expressions that are repeated in the sura, connect its various blocks together, and indicate its core ideas?

2) If you think sura 5 is not a coherent text but rather a collection of originally independent texts that were joined together later, then how many such texts are there in this sura, and where do they begin and end? Do these texts exhibit any structure of their own? Why do you think these texts did not originally belong together? To answer this question, you can point to ways in which one text is disconnected from what precedes and follows it (i.e. there are abrupt transitions). You can also note ways in which the phraseology and message of one text stand in tension with or even contradict the terminology and teaching of another text (or other texts) in the sura. Can you think why these independent texts were eventually put together?

Note that your reading should go beyond stating the obvious or summarizing the sura’s statements. You need to highlight connections that are not obvious on a first reading of the sura.

Your response should be based primarily on the text of sura 5. You can also consult The Study Quran’s annotations as well as our readings and class discussions as needed. But you should not use any outside sources in writing this essay.