Humanities Homework Help

Social Conflict and Emile Durkheim Sociology Midterm Examination


I don’t understand this Sociology question and need help to study.

1.    Briefly describe the idea of Social Conflict as described in the ASE text and discuss its connection to the work of Karl Marx.  Briefly describe the concept of Structure as discussed in the ASE text and discuss its connection to the work of Emile Durkheim.  Briefly discuss the concept of Social Actions as associated with the work of Max Weber. Briefly discuss the purpose of research methods described in the ASE text.  Briefly discuss the difference between qualitative data and quantitative data.  Briefly discuss the development of the Nuremberg Code. 

2.   Briefly discuss the difference between ascribed statuses and achieved statuses.  Briefly discuss the relationship between culture, socialization, and social interaction as described and in-class discussions.  Briefly discuss the difference between material culture and symbolic culture and provide an example of each.  Briefly discuss the concept of a Social Institution and provide an example given for the ASE text.  Briefly discuss the theory of Symbolic Interaction as described in the ASE text.  

3.   Briefly discuss the difference between deviance and crime.  Briefly discuss the differences between Functionalist theories of deviance and Conflict theories of deviance.  Briefly discuss the concept of a Culture of Violence.  Briefly discuss the concept of Cumulative Advantages and describe how it can be related to social inequality in society.  Briefly discuss the connection between stratification and the differential impact of COVID-19 in communities across the US.  Discuss the difference between the Working Class and the Working Poor.

4. Briefly describe the idea of the New Jim Crow and its connection to criminal justice in the US.