Humanities Homework Help

ETST 101 Mike Brown Event of Protests Rising Policing Writing Practice


OBJECTIVES This assignment invites students to explore their personal, political, and critical writing voice within the context of Ethnic Studies. This assignment is designed to help students work towards to varying degrees the following Course Learning Outcomes: Identify and analyze social constructions of race; Demonstrate a working facility with guiding principles and vocabularies of contemporary Ethnic Studies; Conceptualize critical inquiries and practices focused on race and social justice (See Course Syllabus).

PROMPT You are invited to write critically and/or creatively about our course materials, i.e. lectures; readings; poetry; or screenings. At the end of each week/unit (Unit I-IV only), you’ll post to a forum a brief piece of writing that reflects on the unit’s materials. This is a space for you to think and write freely, experimentally, critically, and/or creatively. Every learner processes information differently. Some will find it helpful to simply write an analytical paragraph on a specific idea, passage, or question raised in the unit. Some might find it helpful to write a brief letter to a peer, friend, family member, or future self to share their thinking on any specific aspect of the unit. Some might find it helpful to write an originally composed short free verse poem or cento poem and provide a brief explanation of why you were compelled to respond through poetry. Some might decide to write a list of demands inspired by the unit’s materials. Again, this is a space to deepen your thinking and reflection on the course materials through the act of writing. Think and write freely! Think and write with intention! There are helpful resources under > Assignment Prompts & Resources for reading and thinking about difficult scholarly texts, and for writing an analytical paragraph or writing a cento poem. These resources should help you explore different forms of writing. They should help you get started and are not intended to teaching you “the right” way of doing this assignment. Again, think and write freely and with intention!