Humanities Homework Help

SPED 310 CSU Co Teaching Models Project


Co-Teaching Models

One way school districts have chosen to meet the needs of students with disabilities in inclusive general education classrooms is by having a general education teacher and a special education teacher co-teach. Co-teaching sometimes presents challenges for teachers who are required to collaborate in entirely different ways. It is important for special education teachers to be familiar with co-teaching models and how they are implemented.

Create a digital brochure or digital infographic that could be shared with your school’s administration and general education teachers as a professional development on co-teaching models and strategies for successfully implementing them.

Your digital brochure or digital infographic should include the following information for the grade level you will be teaching (early childhood K-3, elementary 4-5, middle grades 6-8, high school 9-12):

  • An engaging title section including appropriate text, graphics, and layout
  • A research-based description and associated visual of the following co-teaching models and approaches :
    • Alternative Teaching
    • One Teaching, One Supporting
    • Station Teaching
    • Parallel Teaching
    • Team Teaching
  • For each co-teaching model, provide one specific strategy to support successful collaboration and co-teaching

Support your digital brochure or digital infographic with a minimum of two scholarly resources. (can be slide show)

*Make sure you not only include each co-teaching model, you include a strategy for each

*Your visuals need to support the models, not just pretty pictures