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SPED 310 CSU Clinical Field Experience A Interview and Observation Discussion


Clinical Field Experience A: Interview and Observation

Reciprocal and respectful collaboration and communication are important when building an effective team environment for a special education teacher, the general education teacher, and paraeducators.

Allocate at least 2.5 hours in the field to support this field experience. (use 2.5 hrs of youtube videos) add links and time in reference 

Observe, interview, and collaborate with a certified special education teacher in a Grade 4-8 public or private inclusion or resource special education setting. Address the following:

  • What is one type of co-teaching model have you used?
  • Did your co-teaching experience go well using that model? If so, why do you feel it worked well? If not, what advice do you have for someone planning to use that model?
  • What strategies have you used that have been effective in co-teaching?
  • How do you handle a situation in which a co-teaching model is not working?
  • Which co-teaching model do you feel is most effective with your students? Why?
  • What advice do you have for someone when first beginning a co-teaching model?

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.