Humanities Homework Help

Cuyamaca College Good Eating Habits Discussion


We know that many young children spend a good portion of their day in child care.

We see the growing trend in childhood obesity. We know that parents are busy, that

money is often tight, and time is always an issue for working families.

1) What can we as professionals do to help children learn good eating habits in our classrooms? Give 2-3 specific ideas that you as a teacher can implement.

2) How can preschool teachers help to encourage families to create  nutritious meals at home that do not take too much time  or money to prepare?

3) How could an event at school be created that might be a learning opportunity for parents,

Get creative in your responses! Reply to at least two of your peers.


1) What can we as professionals do to help children learn good eating habits in our classrooms? Give 2-3 specific ideas that you as a teacher can implement. To teach our children about good eating habits we first as educators have to have good healthy energy when teaching our children some valuable eating skills that can hopeful change their lives for the better. (1 the first thing that I would do to teach the children in my classroom about good eating habits is to introduce them to the food pyramid and the steps they need to take to reach it with full protentional. (2 the second thing I would do is show children videos that have in them good content about eating healthy, I would also sit down with the children and have a one on one conversation to see how they feel about their bodies. (3 The last thing I would do is read to the children good books the talk about eating habits and how to change into good habits.

2) How can preschool teachers help to encourage families to create nutritious meals at home that do not take too much time or money to prepare? The way that I might be able to help the families at my school is by, teaching them that if they have a garden they can grow the nutrition fruits and vegetables they need. Also other ways I can help them is by having them buy or go shopping at the lowest rate supermarket that can be affordable for the families. I can also teach them how to save their coupons so that they can get a discount on their foods.

3) How could an event at school be created that might be a learning opportunity for parents,

be a fun experience for kids and parents? A fun event that might help parents but also be fun for the kids is putting on a fun carnival that the parents and kids can enjoy and at each booth the teachers and students can have some educational information available to the parents about good eating habits.


As we know kids are picky eaters and also they have times that they eat really good and times they don’t even want to touch the food. As a teacher I would teach my students what types of food are healthy for our bodies. Giving them examples that eating vegetables are good for our bodies. Another example is a would make their food simple and fun. There is so many recipes that are not expensive and kids would enjoyed them.

What I do in my class I post our breakfast, lunch and snack. Parents would get an idea of what the kids are eating in school and they would make it at home. Sometimes we have parents asking our school cook for the food recipes. They want to try the recipes so kids eat them at home as well.

Once a year at my school we just to do cultural night. Parents and staff would bring a dish and share with everyone. It was a fun thing to do because we had a lot of different food from around the world. Childrens, parents, and staff would try different types of dishes, but due to covid we had to cancel it hopefully we can do it soon