Humanities Homework Help

USF LGBTQ Community Discussion



In this module you’ve not only learned some new terminology but you’ve seen how LGBTQ+ have struggled and succeeded over time in creating lives and communities for themselves. You’ve also seen the role that intersectionality has played as you’ve learned how LGBTQ+ of different races, ages, sexes, religions, etc have had to process their experiences. You are probably thinking back to earlier in the class when similar issues and questions were being raised in the feminist movement as women of different ages, races, etc were raising their voices. One of the themes of this course is the way that individuals like you and me can make change in the world.

Let’s say I (Dr. W) win the lottery and decide to create an award for “BEST CONTRIBUTION TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF LGBTQ+ EQUITY IN THE UNITED STATES,” an award that recognizes LGBTQ+ individuals who have made a difference. But there are so many possibilities. Who will I choose? I decide to ask my talented students for their help in this important project as I seek nominations.

Image of a trophy


Using only the material in this module, your task is to choose two individuals you believe are deserving of this prestigious award. To nominate your two individuals you should include the following information for each:

  • NOMINEE NAME: the name of your nominee
  • BRIEF BIO: A brief description/biography of this nominee, which may include when the nominee lived, where the nominee lived, age, relevant information about the personal/professional life of the nominee, and relevant identities of the nominee (e.g., race, class, religion, et cetera)
  • SOURCE: From what material in this module did you learn about this nominee?
  • REASON TO WIN: Why this nominee deserves to win the Best Contribution to the Advancement of LGBTQ+ Equity in the United States award. This is the most important part of the assignment. You need to do more than just say “Because this person helped increase acceptance for LGBTQ+ people.” Be specific, naming specific things this person did, when they did these things, challenges they faced, how their actions fit in with material we’ve covered in this course, etc. Be sure to think about how this person’s identities (sex, gender, race, class, age, etc) may have played a role in their work for LGBTQ+ equality.

NOTE: You must use people from this module. (This not only shows that you actually worked through the materials in the module but also saves you time since there’s no requirement for outside research.)

Tips for Success

  • While this assignment is a little tongue-in-cheek, you should take it seriously — especially the third prompt in which you discuss why your nominee deserves the award. Vague and dashed-off answers like “X deserves the award because they devoted their life to helping transgender people” will not earn many points.” You need to really make a case for why this nominee’s actions are so important and this will probably require several sentences. Be specific with places, dates, and actions.