Humanities Homework Help

GTU Public Speaking Preparation Discussion


Unit three taught us about: “Listening,” “Ethics” and proper “Presentation Aids.” One of the most important factors to keep in mind with public speaking is that this form of communication is designed for the “public.” The audience is the center of that communication. This means that we must keep the audience in mind when planning for the presentation aids. We must keep the audience in mind by listening to their feedback, both before we speak, while speaking and after the speech. We also must follow proper ethics to assure we have the best intensions for our audience.

Thinking about what we learned in these three chapters, please write your reflection centering on these three questions.

(chapter 3 slides )

Each question should have at least one paragraph as an answer.

1.) How can I as a speaker, practice good “listening” for my audience?

2.) How can I as a speaker, practice proper ethics for my audience in developing my speeches?

3.) How can I as a speaker, develop presentation aids that will enhance my speeches and help my audience better retain and understand the material?