Humanities Homework Help

UW Learning Contract Hinduism and Modernity Essay


For me to consider it completed, it must:

  • show evidence of having read and thought about at least one academic journal article or book chapter for the two term projects worth 10% and at least two academic journal article or book chapters for the final project. This can be supplemented by or in addition to other types of research and I am willing to waive this requirement for other types of academic research but only if you get prior permission from me.
  • show awareness of issues raised by weekly readings and discussions
  • properly cite all sources,
  • be posted in the learning projects discussion forum on the first day of the week they are due.

Each of the two learning projects during the term should be a 1000-word paper in Chicago (footnote bibliography) style (other academic styles are acceptable as long as you use them correctly). If you do a power-power point presentation to share your learning, or a creative project, the academic paper can be a shorter paper to explain the research and thinking that went into their creation.

If it is the final learning project, it should be approximately 2000 words in Chicago footnote style (or other academic style). Again, if it is a creative project, it should be accompanied by a shorter paper.