Humanities Homework Help

UCF English Low School Funding Questions Worksheet


In order to write a memo that focuses on purpose and audience, you need to figure out who your audience is. This means, you need to perform online research to find an organization that can implement the changes you call for. Then, when writing your research summary, you need to gear it toward that audience. In this case, you know you are writing to the Rhetorical Roundhouse Network, so I invite you to check out my hot mess of a website at 

As you research your own specific problem, you may choose to do this exercise on a different website in the area. For example, Children’s Home Network is a group I’ve worked with in the past and one that would be a good collaborator for the Rhetorical Roundhouse Network. In other words, for this exercise, if you’d like to analyze the website of a nonprofit or other local organization that is similar /complimentary to Rhetorical Roundhouse and more specific to your particular problem, please do so. 

Based on your chosen problem for Project 3, find an organization that would serve as a group that can implement your research. In other words, this group can take action to address the problem. For example, if your problem is about water pollution, you would either want to find an audience of environmental non-profit groups or city planners. The report would vary based on which of these audiences you picked. Environmental non-profits would be more interested in environmental effects of the problem, while city planners would be interested in resources and costs. In this way, audience impacts how your memo is structured.

To identify your audience, you should search (e.g., Google) for a specific individual or group that can take action on your problem. You should identify the individual or group by name and then answer the questions below.


Write a paragraph that explains your audience. Imagine that you are writing this work to your project team at a workplace. 

Questions to answer:

Who is your target audience? (Name the individual or group within a specific organization)

What do they do? 

Why are they the right audience for this problem and what do they bring to the table? 

The goal of this assignment is to help you practice writing about target audiences so you have a more robust audience analysis section your final draft of Project 3.