Humanities Homework Help

HUSS 335 Bryant and Stratton College Social Program Development Paper


To begin, find a human or social services organization in your community that has their goals and objectives available to view on their website.  Then, write an initial post in which you address the following:

  • Share the weblink to the organization you are writing about so that those who are not familiar with the organization have some background information.
  • Identify at least one goal of this program and list the objectives associated with this goal.
  • Evaluate the goal and objectives you listed to determine whether they meet the criteria of the SMART formula.
    • Be specific in your post and make sure to analyze and report on all five aspects of the SMART formula for the goal and objectives.
  • If any part of the program’s goal or objectives do not meet the criteria in the SMART formula, provide specific recommendations for how the goal or objectives could be improved.
  • PART B 
  •  Based on your explanation of the client population you selected in Week 2 and the treatment needs you identified, write a narrative at least 750 words in length in which you address the following:  ·         Generate program objectives for your treatment program.  In so doing, make sure you also:  o   Identify and explain the biggest issues or problems your program will focus on.  Defend why you believe these issues are the most crucial for your program.  o   Summarize and justify the mission of your program.  o   Outline the specific results your program is designed to achieve.  ·         Detail the community-based program you have designed to benefit the client population you identified in Week 2.  In so doing, make sure you:  o   Develop specific steps or interventions your treatment program will utilize to reach its objectives.  o   Justify who will be responsible for facilitating or implementing these steps.  For example:  §  Explain whether you will be the only staff member involved in implementing this program or whether other members of your community or organization will be included.  §  Recommend who should serve as the key players in facilitating the program.  ·         Assess and argue how exactly the various components of your proposed treatment program will address the population’s needs that you identified in Week 2.  ·