I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Arab Spring: Inter-Paradigm Debate. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Arab Spring: Inter-Paradigm Debate. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The protests and uprisings that took place in the Middle East throughout the twentieth century not only brought about the fall of governments, but they also led to the rise of authoritarian governments whose aim was to prevent such uprisings from taking place within their jurisdictions. Therefore, when the Arab Spring began, it was not taken as seriously as was later the case because it was believed that the protests would eventually die out as they had in previous years. Furthermore, it was believed that the resilience of the authoritarian governments in the Middle East had made them so stable that no protest would be able to overcome their secret police as well as their military apparatus. The paradigm of authoritarian resilience turned out not to be the case and the uprisings that took place in some of the most important Middle Eastern countries with authoritarian regimes came about as a surprise.

The protests that were the beginning of the Arab Spring took place in Tunisia after the self-immolation of Mohammed Bouazizi as a protest against the ill-treatment that he had received from corrupt policemen. This action created a sense of outrage in a country that had for decades been ruled by authoritarian figures. Such strong protests against the government, while they were unexpected, were not believed to pose a threat to the government of Zine Ben Ali’s twenty-three-year-old government because protests had taken place before and these had been put down effectively. The lack of recognition for the threat that these protests posed to his government and his belief that his massive police would be able to put it down ensured the demise of Ben Ali’s regime. The level of protests was so massive that twenty-eight days after they began, Ben Ali resigned the&nbsp.presidency and fled to Saudi Arabia. The fall of this regime was quite surprised not only because of the rapidness of its demise but also in the manner through which it took place.&nbsp.