I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Techniques for Concrete Homebuilding. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Techniques for Concrete Homebuilding. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. It can save 30-40% of the heating bills. The sell on the value of the highly insulated house is much higher than the conventional masonry. The most important factor is its environmental friendliness. Even the speed of construction is much higher in this case. There is lesser scope of wastage because the timbers are brought into the site on the panelized form.

In today’s world, there are innovative techniques for concrete homebuilding which can make it really beautiful. These kinds of homes lasted for a long period. It needed very low maintenance. Like timber-framed house these homes are also environment-friendly. A concrete house may be of many kinds but there are a few to build features in the house. Those are energy efficiency, safety peace and quiet along with style solid construction. The most important benefits that a concrete house has been provided with are that of fire safety. This kind of house is more resistant to the fire. Apart from this, concrete is also useful for recycling waste and industrial byproducts.

The full brick homes can be considered as the ideal “Human Comfort Zone” as it needs less energy for both internal cooling and heating. As brick is fire resistant it maintains the structural function of the house. Even it may provide insulation for more than one hour in case of severe fire. Like the other two components, it is also friendly to the environment.

Timber flooring is much more expensive than normal flooring. The timber floor or wall required lots of maintenance. Especially it should be protected from direct sunlight. The chemical reaction can take place within the timber because of direct sunlight and that leads to a change in color of the floor. That is why it is needed to cover up with mats or rugs on the floor and curtains and blinds for the wall. Even the timber floor be should be kept away from the high heels that might&nbsp.be caused by scratch or dent on the floor.