I need some assistance with these assignment. greek myths Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. greek myths Thank you in advance for the help! Greek Myths History and Political Science Greek Myths Baroque art placed high significance on “movement, drama, realism, individual figures, the Catholic Church, light and shadow, and the sense of something greater than ones self” (Baroque art history, n.d.). Baroque arts originated in Italy and spread to other parts of Europe. However, their popularity was dependent on Catholic authority in those regions. Baroque arts encompassed painting, architecture and sculpture.

One such work is a picture, “The Lament for Icarus” by Herbert Draper. Herbert Draper was from the cohort of British artists that were under the influence of French impressionism. However, Draper dedicated himself to works on historical and literary themes. The Lament of Icarus depicts the dead Icarus, a character from a Greek myth. Dead sea-nymphs surround Icarus’ body. In this painting, Draper shows a dead Icarus with wings still fastened to his arms.

The theme behind this painting is a Greek myth about Daedalus and his son Icarus. Daedalus, a skilled artist, built a labyrinth for Minos, king of Crete. The King locked him in it after they differed. Daedalus could not escape via the sea as King Minos kept strict surveillance of the sea. In an attempt to find freedom, Daedalus made wings using feathers because he hoped to escape by flying. He used wax to fasten small feathers. He taught his son how to fly. On the fateful day, Icarus disregarded his father’s instructions not to fly too high in the sky. The hot sun caused the wax on his wings to melt. the feathers got disentangled, and Icarus drowned in the sea. Daedalus later named that sea after his son (Icarian Sea) “. . . he buried the body and called the land Icaria in memory of his child” (Bulfinch, 1855).


Baroque art- Art history. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.collectiveartisan.com/art-history/baroque/

Bulfinch, T. (1855). Bulfinch mythology chapter 20. Retrieved from http://www.greekmythology.com/Books/Bulfinch/B_Chapter_20/b_chapter_20.html.