I need some assistance with these assignment. the aspects of african textiles Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. the aspects of african textiles Thank you in advance for the help! Historians have adopted various means of putting the facts and figures of their time. The most important facet of the history in the context of the information that is preserved for the posterity and which is used to disseminate information regarding the people and place, constituting the cause and consequences that helped shape their lives. African cloths are one such medium of disseminating information regarding the socio-cultural value system of African people.

African tribes have a distinct identity with unique traditions and cultures that have been passed on to the successive generations through the centuries. Their cultural identities have survived the tests of the time and recently their evolution has seen their inclusion and popularity in the so-called mainstream population of the whites of the developed nations like America and Europe. While written documents of history have been considered widely popular with the experts, other forms of maintaining the historical saga are equally important as they are capable of divulging all the relevant information of the time and place. The cloths of African people belonging to different tribes, residing at different places or independent states in the African sub-continent are vital historical documents that are still very much in vogue and are renowned for their distinct features that have a unique way of describing their culture and traditions. We would be studying the significance of the three types of popular clothes from different regions of Africa: Kuba cloths from Congo. Adinkra cloths from Ghana. and Kente cloths also from Ghana.

Kuba tribe of the Kasai river region of the Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly known as Zaire, is renowned for its well defined political structure having a strong legal system that is not commonly found in other African states. Its cultural heritage is distinct in its creative output expressed through various mediums like pottery, sculpture in metal and ceramic and indigenous clothes and represents their traditions and values system.