I will pay for the following article A Mental Training Plan for an Individual Who is in Need of an Improvement in an Exercise Program. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-tex

I will pay for the following article A Mental Training Plan for an Individual Who is in Need of an Improvement in an Exercise Program. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Mary showed signs of low self-esteem and used negative terms as “she will never look skinny again” and “she is not able to exercise because she has no time” also she felt mentally exhausted and was in bad mood. For these reasons she came for a consultation to help her lose weight and adhere to an exercise program. I listened to her with interest and expressed an understanding of the challenges she went through with the kids and the daily life demands. I explained to her how these demands could affect mental health and psychological well-being, leading to anxiety, depression, and mood disorders.

Before starting our first session, I clarified some important points. I emphasized the importance of bringing a daily journal with her at each visit. this will be used for follow up and homework that will facilitate her progression and feedback. Moreover, in collaboration we agreed to meet twice a week (Monday and Thursday), for five sessions, at 10:00 am for one-hour, at my home office. The goal was to teach Mary some psychological skills that will help her in her exercise program. In addition, a prior 48-hour cancelation notice was a necessity, and failure to comply would attract charges.

Since Mary was in the preparation stage and according to the transtheoretical model, it was important for her to realize the benefits of exercise to help her move to the action stage then maintenance by using motivational methods. I explained to her that physical activity enhances feelings of well-being in particular by reducing fatigue, anger, depression, and anxiety yet increasing vigor. Also, it is the most effective technique for changing a bad mood (Weinberg and Gould 402). Exercises help individuals to change their self-concept, self-esteem, and hardiness to enable them to withstand or cope with stressful situations. Exercises also promote control, a sense of commitment, improve cognitive functioning, and enhance the quality of life (Weinberg and Gould 409). So exercise can help protect against stress-related illness.

To emphasize and bring to the attention of Mary concerning the importance of mental skills, I illustrated to her the traffic light analogy to enable her to think about her performance in three ways: green light, yellow light, and red light situations.