I will pay for the following article Financial Status of the Vodafone. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Financial Status of the Vodafone. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Vodafone is a multinational organization dealing in the telecommunication industry worldwide. Vodafone Group Plc is a British telecommunication company which operates in multiple nations worldwide. Headquarters of Vodafone is located in London, United Kingdom (UK). It is also considered the world’s largest mobile telecommunication organization with respect to its generation of revenues (London Stock Exchange, 2011).

The name Vodafone was derived from the ‘voice data fone’ which meant transferring the condition of voice and data with the help of mobile phones. Vodafone is listed in the London Stock Exchange and is counted among the constituents of the FTSE 100 Index of UK. Its revenue earnings were recorded to be around £93&nbsp.billion at the end of April in the year 2011. Based on its revenue, the company was remarked to be the fourth largest company amongst all the constituents of the London Stock Exchange Index (London Stock Exchange, 2011).

Every organization is entitled to prepare annual report not only to satisfy the regulatory requirements but also to analyze its financial position as well as its growth in monetary terms. An annual report is considered as a comprehensive report that takes into account the various quantitative organizational activities and operations functioned throughout the preceding year. Annual reports are prepared by the organization with an intention to provide its shareholders and other related and interested parties as well as the responsible legal bodies with needed information about its financial position and performance. Most of the nations’ jurisdictions require organizations to prepare and provide disclosure of its annual reports. A few legal prospective also demand the annual report to be filed at the organizational registry (Laidler & Donaghy, 1998). The preparations of annual reports are not an easy task for any organization.