International Development homework help

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Benefits and Drawbacks Regarding Prescription Privileges for Psychologists. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length. The demand of the activists have bore positive fruits given that some states such Florida and Georgia allow the psychologists the right to prescribe medication and have even set up prescription training programs to equip the psychologists with these skills. Persons with privileges in prescription of drugs are defined by various Acts and licensing authorities and these groups were small compared to what they are today. Psychologists did not have practicing licenses but this has changed greatly following their licensing in some states. The debate on whether psychologists should be given privileges to prescribe has been met with mixed reactions with some opposing it while others welcome such a move. This paper will evaluate the benefits and the drawbacks of prescription privileges by psychologists. Prescription Privileges for Psychologists Overview The initial bill that sought to give psychologists privileges to prescribe psychiatric medication was first introduced back in 1985 in Hawaii. The bill aimed at giving psychologists within the state a right to prescribe medication to treat nervous, brain disorders and mental problems. However, for a psychologist to enjoy the privilege, one must have a doctorate and go through a certification and training program. Such bills have been introduced in various other jurisdictions throughout the country (American Psychological Association 838).