International Development homework help

Complete 1 page APA formatted essay: Crisis Report.As the crisis is still ongoing, various news reports have revealed that both Malaysian and Philippine governments are negotiating to address the issue. Apparently, the Sultan of Sulu, who should be under the governance of the Philippine government, failed to heed the President of the Philippines’ admonitions, to wit: “Aquino appealed for his compatriots to return home peacefully and even sent a navy ship staffed with Filipino-Muslim leaders, social workers and medical personnel to facilitate their withdrawal. However, he finally lost patience with the recalcitrant Sulu insurgents and said on Saturday that they must surrender “without conditions.” The rebels had previously snubbed two deadlines to vacate the land” (Campbell, 2013, par. 2).Therefore, it is evident that no formal committee between these two governments were formed to specifically address the crisis. and all recommended solution to resolve the conflicts have apparently failed cause the deaths during the violent encounters between troups from both countires.3. How long does the crisis last? Currently, the crisis still exists. and there are no words or news that has indicated any resolution to date. It allegedly started on February 9, 2013 (Campbell, 2013) or almost three weeks ago.Apparently, different news articles have already signified official announcements from the heads of these governments. The complicating factor was the men of the heirs to the Sultanate of Sulu to have allegedly “sailed to Sabah three weeks ago to bear arms. From the perspective of Malaysia, the sultan’s “royal army” was committing a belligerent act by defying their country’s laws where the carrying of firearms is concerned” (Before the situation gets out of hand, 2013, par. 7). There were news that report the need for closely referring and evaluating the signed international obligations under the Geneva Convention (Yeen,