International Development homework help

Psychology: High pressure work place can lead to feeling of anxiety and illicit drug use. Research paper on different jobs like nursing, ceo, police officers. Graph charts showing % of drug use.,Psychology: High pressure work place can lead to feeling of anxiety and illicit drug use,Psychology: High pressure work place can lead to feeling of anxiety and illicit drug use.,Research paper on different jobs like nursing, ceo, police officers. Graph charts showing % of drug use. ,How these jobs lead to that., This is is a research paper where you read professional literature and write about the opinions of experts) on your chosen topic. Students will need to use APA format.,Students will submit a completed 5 – 7 page paper electronically through Drop-box. Your cover page, abstract and reference page are additional pages. You will include a minimum of 6 Outside Professional References.,More details;,What To Do if Your Workplace is Anxiety-Inducing, There are so many aspects a job that can cause anxiety: having tight deadlines, trying to harmonize a work/life balance, dealing with office gossip and politics, meeting your supervisor’s expectations… the list goes on.,Thanks to all this, most people who work will experience some anxiety at some point. But what do you do if your workplace makes you feel that way on a regular basis? When you dread stepping foot into the office day after day. Occasionally, when something about your job makes anxiety your norm. When you have an ,anxiety disorder, and work constantly triggers your symptoms.,Depending on your situation, it might be helpful to evaluate whether your job is right for you. But if you aren’t able or don’t want to change jobs, there are ways to manage workplace anxiety.,Practice Self-Awareness,Before you can improve your situation, it’s important to understand what exactly is creating your anxious feelings or worsening the symptoms of your condition. Even if the root of your anxiety is something you can’t change, like having more work than you can handle, knowing the cause can help you figure out next steps. It’s a lot harder to reach a destination without a map.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,