Languages homework help

I will pay for the following essay Moment and equilibrium. The essay is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.The aim of the experiment is to verify the equilibrium of force on a beam experimentally and analytically using the concepts and equilibrium and finding the reactions of the left and right weights (Lee, 2010).Taking measurements by several people would mechanically give dissimilar values since each individual may stretch the string by diverse tension. To minimize is by stipulating the circumstances that could lead to the error.Taking into consideration of errors presented by the instant working environment. There is need to take into account for or shield the experiment from shakings, drafts, variations in temperature, electronic sound or other effects from neighboring apparatus (Lee, 2010).This error can happen when there is some length or distance between the measuring balance and the indicator used to attain a measurement. If the viewers eye is not directly aligned with the indicator and scale, the interpretation may be extraordinary (Lee,