Law Homework Help

ISS 3130 SDSU Alternative Exit Strategy from Afghanistan for US Troops Discussion


I don’t know how to handle this International Law question and need guidance.

This discussion will be looking at the prospect of peace in the United States’ longest armed conflict, the Afghan war. People in the U.S. and around the world hear less and less about the conflict, despite thousands of U.S. and coalition soldiers remaining in the country. The world remains uncertain of how to approach Kabul and any long-term plans to fix the country are muddled in corruption and political bias.

Student outline for posting:

  • Watch – Inside the Taliban’s Takeover of Afghanistan (Links to an external site.)
    • Ignore the Vice News anchor who makes points that are immediately contradicted and focus on the content of the video
  • Since we get to learn from our mistakes, provide an exit strategy you would present to President Biden on how to properly exit Afghanistan during his administration (you’re not allowed to assume Biden will be re-elected)