Law Homework Help

CCJ 1010 Daytona State College Intro to Criminology Questions


I’m studying and need help with a Criminal Justice question to help me learn.

(1)What are the key features of the various feminist perspectives? How would you think that these perspectives are viewed in society?

(2)What are some of the critiques of the feminist criminological theories? Are these theories or the critiques valid? Why or why not?

(3)Discuss the primary criticisms regarding the developer perspective, particularly that presented by Gottfredson and Hirschi. Which theoretical paradigm do you consider the most valid? Why?

(4)What transitions or trajectories have you seen in your life or your friends’ lives that support Sampson and Laub’s developmental model? What events encouraged offending or inhibited offending? Be specific.

(5)What are some examples of crimes against the environment in the United States? Give at least three examples and explain how they are crimes against the environment.

(6)What are some of the similarities and differences between traditional forms of crimes and cybercrime? Be specific.

(7)What are some of the motivations associated with hate crimes? What are the major legislative responses to hate crimes?

(8)What are the main arguments for and against maintenance and decriminalization policies? Be specific, with examples where needed.