Law Homework Help

Excelsior College National Security and Management of Lawful Immigration Essay


This assignment will cause you to examine several dimensions of criminal justice outside the United States. You will create a research guide with introductory markers to use when looking at different systems. Select no less than four (4) global systems for this assignment. The results will be a deeper understanding of different international jurisdictions, including the sovereignty issues, and the impact of crime on the quality of life and its ability to undermine the rules of law within a jurisdiction.

Before you begin, watch the following videos:

  • This video is a brief overview of what comparative criminal justice is (7:14)
  • This video gives more information about the field of comparative criminal justice (2:30)


During this assignment you will examine several dimensions of criminal justice outside the United States. You will create a Research Guide complete with introductory markers for use when looking at various systems.

As a matter of background. At its core, a research guide is an organized collection of resources related to a particular topic. A typical research guide contains the following items which are tailored to your needs for this course.

  • Relevant Articles and websites
  • Video and Photo Resources
  • Citations and text sources
  • Expert Contacts

Select four (4) global systems for this assignment. Examine these systems keeping in mind that the result will be a deeper understanding of international jurisdictions, including sovereignty issues, the impact of crime on the quality-of-life, and its ability to undermine the rules of law within a jurisdiction.