Law Homework Help

CRJ 202 CUNY BMCC Criminal Law and Sentencing Discussion


Content to review
Read Substantive Law (3.7 – 3.11)*

AssignmentEssay 5: Criminal Law + Sentencing
Referencing the material provided in the materials provided for the two week topic, write a 300-word response. Make it clear that you have reviewed the course material. You will submit a Word file. (No cloud based links, and do not use the textbox. Your material MUST go through the plagiarism check associated with the upload link. Consider state-wide decriminalization of marijuana possession and use across the nation and the federal statute banning possession and use of marijuana. In most jurisdictions, the local judge holds the responsibility of imposing criminal sentences on convicted offenders.

  • How would a pre-sentence investigation inform a judge’s sentencing of a crime that ids still illegal but being decriminalized?

Which sentence might best be applied to someone who is convicted of a marijuana law and has prior drug related arrest for other, harder drugs (heroin or cocaine)? Explain your choice. 

Your response must include the following: 

A THESIS A thesis is a statement that must be proved. A thesis makes a claim, or expresses an idea. You must be able to agree or disagree with a thesis. Your thesis should be the result of review of the course material, not a hunch or gut feeling. 

  • AN EVIDENCE BASED RESPONSE: use evidence to support your thesis from the required material. You must specifically reference back to:

the video or article (cite any quote or  example)

the chapter readings to help you organize your ideas, using facts from at least one section of the chapters that support your argument (reference quotes, statistics or facts clearly with page #)