Law Homework Help

LGST 201 UMGC WK 2 Legal Research Bozzuto Management Company Analysis


Refer to course materials, cases, and/or statutes to support conclusions.

Background: You and Chong are continuing to work on the Hastings case. Chong explains that synthesizing will help in the preparation of Hastings’ case. She describes synthesis as the process of collecting several pieces of information and law and tying (synthesizing) them together. The process of synthesizing involves:

  • Examining the holding of a case;
  • Analyzing and explaining the standards, factors, criteria, and reasoning that courts apply to the holding in a case to reach a conclusion and resolve a legal dispute; and
  • Describing the law and reasoning courts apply to resolve a specific issue.

Chong points out when reading cases, statutes, or a set of opinions focused on the same issue, the synthesis approach is often used to resolve the issue.

Chong wants you to draft a Synthesis of the Rationales report in preparation of completing a Synthesis Memo (the complete Synthesis Memo will be completed in Project 1 in week 3) for Hastings’ case.


1. Review the videos Chong has provided for your review (see Overview for links)

2. Brief the following cases relevant to the Hastings case:

Deering Woods Condominium Association, 377 Md. 250

Joseph, 173 Md. App. 305

Maans, 161 Md. App. 620

Write a case brief for each of these cases listed above, if you have not already done so.

Please Note: do not submit the case briefs with the Synthesis of the Rationales, but the briefing will focus your analysis.

2. Draft the Synthesis of the Rationales using the cases in #2 above to analyze, explain and synthesize the law that applies to each case.

The Synthesis should address the following:

  • How to establish a claim of negligence in a slip and fall case;
  • What must be established by the injured party (plaintiff);
  • The defenses available to the property owner (defendant).


Synthesis of the Rationales

Label all parts of analysis, as needed.

Write in correct, complete sentences in paragraph format, unless instructed otherwise.

Use Arial or Times Roman, size 12 font.

****Video links: