Law Homework Help

IND 501 Excelsior Different Forms of Compliance in Every Organization Responses


150 word limit and 1-2 references

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Please see attachment to have an idea of the question the students are responding to. You are not required to answer the questions on the attachement. It is only a guide to understand thw studebt post then provide a response on both.

student 1

Hello everyone,

There are two types of compliance in an organization, ethical and legal. Ethical compliance means doing the right things morally, and legal compliances means doing right things by the law. CEOs and managers have the responsibility of maximizing the business profit for shareholders, and at the same time they are responsible to society and all the stakeholders. It is not always unethical to go against the low. If we do not question the law, there will never be an amendment or change and unethical laws will stay in place for ever. I think good leaders in an ethical organization should talk about situations when they see there is a separation between ethic and law to find or create a common area between them to lead their organization in that area.

Leaders are able to affect the policy, and behavior of an organization by asking ethical questions from their employees and managers. Using personal computers and home internet without high security protection for connecting to company network is not only secure for transferring customers personal data, but also will put company’s high classified data at risk. This is something that needs to be discussed with managers. Since this violates data security policies, I would suggest giving available company laptops to those staff who do not have a two-factor authorization to get into the organization’s system until they get access. Also, communication with customers should be through company’s laptops or personal computer with two-factor authorization.

In emergency situations it is hard to make the right decision which is one of the biggest responsibilities for leaders. Leaders should be resilient to be able to overcome difficult situations and make the right decision under pressure and navigate the pressure in emergency situations. Also, a good leader should have problem solving skill to come up with a right and quick decision in this situation. They should be able to communicate effectively and stand up for their ethical believes.…… (Links to an external site.)

Student 2

It is unethical for a to ask their employees to go against a long-standing law or compliance regulation. For a company to put their employees in a situation where they could hurt customers, negatively impact themselves, and break a law or regulation, it is unethical and a failure of leadership. As a leader in a company that is requiring employees to violate their responsibility to protect customers personally identifiable information (PII) the leader must act. PII is information that leads to the identity of an individual either directly or indirectly including, name, address, social security number, telephone number, email address, etc. (DOL, n.d.). Any leader within this organization should step in and intervene, directly with their supervisor or through the company’s human resource and legal department.

This intervention protects the customers, the employees, and the business as a whole. Even though the United States does not have a single federal law to regulate the protection of PII, there is a complex patchwork system of federal laws, state laws, sector-specific regulations, common law principles, and self-regulatory programs developed by industry groups (Thomson Reuters, 2021). A leadership trait that could be used in this situation would be servant leadership. A leader that supports customers and employees would stop this situation from occur. This situation would have a negative impact on the company and its employees for years to come, whether through civil penalties, fines, employees being fired or quitting. These actions may push employees to look for work outside of this company for their choice to maintain their bottom line at the expense of their customers and employees. Actions during the pandemic can define a company or leader; for those who strayed from ethical decisions, their actions will limit their ability to bounce back better than before.


Department of Labor (DOL). (n.d.). Guidance on the Protection of Personal Identifiable Information. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.).

Thomson Reuters. (2021). Data privacy principles all legal providers should adopt. Legal. Retrieved from: