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LGST 201 UMGC Skills in Writing Grammatically Correct Discussion


Evaluate the following paragraph that contains numerous spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.  Identify at least 9 errors that you see (there are 13 in total). 

Appellant’s stated to Officer Jones and Officers Nance that he “had somebody in their watching.”  2.  This suggests that this third party and appellant where colleagues however they were not. 3.  he judges’ finding at trail was that neither appellant nor any other witness testify that appellant had someone in the van watching the store.  4.  Appellant claims that this was error because Officer Jones’ subsequently clammed that the appellant wanted to check him out before the drug sell.  5.  However much appellant wants this court to believe his version of events, we do not.  6.  Its simply beyond believe.    

1.  For each error that you identify in the paragraph above:

a.  list the sentence number

b.  describe the error

c.  provide a corrected version.     

Number each error, 1a.,1b.,1c, 2a.2b, 2c, etc.     

Part 2: 

React to two (2) colleague’s comments.  

#1- Elizabeth Juzu:

Error Number: 1a

Description of Error: There is a punctuation error where an unnecessary apostrophe is placed after the word “Appellant” :

Corrected Version: The error can be corrected by removing the unnecessary apostrophe and the sentence should read “Appellant stated to Officer Jones and Officers Nance that he “had somebody in their watching”

Error Number: 2a

Description of Error: “where” is a spelling error in the sentence.

Corrected Version: “This suggests that this third party and appellant were colleagues …”

Error Number: 2b

Description of Error: There is a punctuation error before and after the word “however”.

Corrected Version: “This suggests that this third party and appellant were colleagues; however, they were not”

Error Number: 3a

Description of Error: There is a spelling error with the word “he”

Corrected Version: “The judges’ finding at …”

Error Number: 3b

Description of Error: There is a spelling error with the word “trail”

Corrected Version: “The judges’ finding at trial was that neither appellant nor any other witness…”

Error Number: 3c

Description of Error: There is a grammatical error with the word “testify”. It should be in the past tense.

Corrected Version: ““The judges’ finding at trial was that neither appellant nor any other witness testified that appellant had someone in the van watching the store”

Error Number: 41

Description of Error: There is a grammatical error between the words “was” and “error”, where the word “an” is missing

Corrected Version: “Appellant claimed that this was an error because”

Error Number: 4b

Description of Error: There is a punctuation error where an unnecessary apostrophe is placed after the word “Jones” :

Corrected Version: The error can be corrected by removing the unnecessary apostrophe and the sentence should read “Appellant claimed that this was an error because Officer Jones …”

Error Number: 4c

Description of Error: There is a spelling error with the word “sell”

Corrected Version: “…The appellant wanted to check him out before the drug sale”

#2- A’nae Weldon:

My following findings of errors by proofreading:

1a. “Appellant’s”, is an incorrect use of a possessive noun.

1b. “Stated to” does not flow with the sentence taking away from the intended and clarity of the sentence. Word replacement needed.

1c. “Officers”. It was made plural but in the wrong placement. It should have been stated once with the following subjects, Jones and Nance right after.

1d. “their”, is the wrong there.

2a. “That this”, is an improper usage demonstrative pronouns. There was no need to use both in that sentence.

2b. “where”, the wrong word was used.

2c. “colleagues however they were not.” This is a run-on sentence.

3a. “he” is a typo meant to be, “The”.

3b. “judges’” is an improper use of apostrophes and S’s.

3c. “trail”, is the incorrect word used.

3d. “was that”, that is no needed and therefore an incorrect usage of a demonstrative pronoun.

3e. “neither appellant nor any other witness” is missing commas.

3f. “testify” is the wrong tense.

3g. “that appellant had” is takes away away from the clarity and ‘flow’ of the sentence. A different usage of wording is needed.

4a. “that this was” is an incorrect use of demonstrative pronouns. “That” in that sentence is not needed.

4b. “error” by itself does not make sense. There needs to be a clarifier added.

4c.”because Officer” is a run-on sentence.

4d. “Officer Jones’” is the incorrect use of an apostrophe. It is understand that the following information ‘belongs’ to Officer Jones.

4e. “clammed” is an incorrect spelling of claimed.

4f. “that” is an incorrect use of demonstrative pronouns. An omission is needed.

4g. “sell” is the incorrect usage of a verb. The noun, sale was needed.

5a. “However much appellant wants this court to believe his version of events, we do not.” This sentence is incorrect. The phrasing takes away from the clarity, and overall tone of the legal document. A rephrasing with tone in mind is needed.

6a. “Its” is the wrong usage of possessive pronoun and apostrophe.

6b. “believe” is the incorrect tense usage.

Corrected Passage:

Appellant told Officers Jones and Nance he “had somebody in there watching.” This suggests the third party and appellant were colleagues. However, they were not. The Judge’s finding at trial was neither appellant, nor any other witness, testified that appellant had someone in the van watching the store. Appellant claims this was an error. Officer Jones subsequently claimed the appellant wanted to check him out before the drug sale. The appellant wants this court to believe his version of events. However, we do not. It is simply beyond belief.

#3- Sue Hoffman:

1a. 1

1b. The writer incorrectly made the subject, “appellant” a possessive by adding an apostrophe and “s”.

1c. Appellant stated

2a. 1

2b. The writer incorrectly made the second use of “Officer” plural. As well, the writer could have used “Officers” before the first officer listed to reduce the number of words.

2c. Officers Jones and Nance

3a. 1

3b. There should not be quotation remarks where they are located.

3c. that he had somebody in their watching.

4a. 2

4b. The writer misspelled “were.”

4c. third party and appellant were colleagues

5a. 2

5b. There should be a comma between “colleagues” and “however.”

5c. appellant were colleagues, however they

6a. 3

6b. The first letter of the sentence is missing.

6c. The judges’

7a. 3

7b. The word “trial” is misspelled.

7c. finding at trial was

8a. 3

8b. The wrong verb form is used

8c. nor any other witness testified that

9a. 4

9b. The word “an” is missing.

9c. Appellant claims that this was an error