Law Homework Help

ETBU Criminal Justice Worksheet


lease submit a complete answer for each question. Please number and state each question prior to your answer

Ch. 7

  1. Define, compare and contrast arrest and search warrants
  2. Define and describe the exigent circumstance exception to the warrant requirement. What are four general types of circumstances that are typically recognized as being exigent circumstances.

Ch 9

Define the open fields doctrine and explain why open fields are not covered by the Fourth Amendment.

Ch 10

Select one of the three procedures for pretrial identification: lineup, show-up, and photographic identification. Discuss the applicability of due process, the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, and the Sixth Amendment right to counsel in relation to that procedure. Provide an example.

Define, compare, and contrast the Daubert and Frye doctrines. Which one will, in general result in the introduction of more scientific evidence? Explain your position. Which rule do you think is best? Explain your position.

Ch 11

What is the standard for admissibility under Miranda? How do these three questions incorporate the concept of voluntariness

Ch 12

The Sixth Amendment provides defendants a number of rights. Discuss these rights and how they apply in the criminal justice process.

Ch 13

What are the five categories of sentencing? Explain which sentencing goals and objectives they accomplish and provide examples of how they do so.

ch 14

Proposals have been made that evidence obtained illegally could be admitted in criminal trials while still holding the officer accountable for the improper seizure. This may be unrealistic. What do you think? Give an example to support your answer.

Ch 15

Define electronic surveillance and explain how this is different from the search of someone’s home and the seizure of things.