Law Homework Help

IND 501 Excelsior College Ethical Codes of Conduct Discussion


250-350 Words

Every discipline has a code of ethics and/or code of conduct that serves as the guiding principles. Strong, ethical leaders base their decisions on these guiding principles. Leaders who do not follow these guiding principles in their decision-making often find themselves and their stakeholders in compromising positions.

Part I: Initial Post (Due Week 1)

Once again, your discipline is in the news! Find a recent ethical issue that has arisen in the news and talk about the ethical issues and the mistakes you saw made. Base your talking points on your code of ethics. Post the video or article link for your news story. In your subject heading, create a breaking news headline for your classmates. (Keep in mind that you can access newspapers through the Excelsior Library (Links to an external site.).)

First, find and read your discipline’s code of ethics. For example, since you are interested in criminal justice, you may want to find the law enforcement code of ethics or the criminal justice code. If in doubt, a quick search in the Excelsior Library should guide you.

Next, engage in conversation on the following questions:

    • What code of conduct or guiding principles did the leader utilize to make the decision, or did you see this as more of an intuitive or gut instinct decision?
    • What leadership issues did you see here?
    • What leadership theory might help the leader in the video or article address this issue?