Law Homework Help

CRJU 3170 Taft College A General Theory of Crime Discussion Paper


See Attached file for full assignment details

Submit a Term Paper based on the Instructions in the Syllabus, the Course Introduction video, and the Term Paper Instructions download (Course Handouts Module). For this assignment, you must use only ONE specific Sub-Theory from class (DO NOT write about categories or sub-categories of multiple theories)

Your paper should be 10-12 (full) pages in length, and if you follow the above suggestions, you should end up with at least 10 pages. A Title Page is not required for this assignment, but you should include a single-spaced header with relevant assignment information on the first page of your paper. You should use APA or ASA style formatting for in-text citations and your Works Cited page (always start on separate page; does not count toward page requirement). More on how to properly cite research and create a Works Cited page will be covered in class. You DO NOT need to include an abstract, running head, or subheadings. Please double space between lines, use normal font (12- point Times New Roman) and margins (1” on all sides), include page numbers.

I also attached a previous assignment of mine on this topic for you to use if you need

While Hegemonic Masculinity is certainly one option for your Term Paper, given that you are supposed to identify the theory that you think is MOST GENERAL, you are going to have a more difficult time making that argument. This does not mean that you can’t use the theory, but you will have to make special mention of the theory’s limits and why you still think that is the best/most general despite those limitations.