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HLSC 710 Everest College Chicago Thread Introducing Weapons Paper


Based on the Learn items, provide a brief overview of each CBRNE group of weapons/instruments.  Include the main substances or types of weapons found in each group. Discuss the pros and cons of their use from the enemy’s viewpoint. Put another way, what are their limitations and advantages? Cover the delivery system(s) for each major group. Very briefly discuss directed-energy weapons. Of all of these CBRNE weapons, which one do you believe is our biggest threat and why?

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CBRNE stands for “Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear” weapons. Biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives (CBRNE) is an acronym for this group of weapons. Mass casualties and social upheaval are caused by these weapons, which are capable of both. Once unleashed, CBRN agents can be challenging to identify or detect. An example of an invisible agent is a radioactive material that emits radiation that cannot be seen or felt.

For more than a century, humans have been manufacturing chemical weapons. There are several subcategories for the agents. For example, cellular asphyxiants like Hydrogen Cyanide and Cyanogen Chloride disrupt the cellular electron transport chain to cause death. Toxic compounds that cause breathing problems and discomfort include chlorine and the fragrance of freshly cut hay, respectively. The sludge caused by nerve agents such as Sarin, Soman, Tabun, and VX. The use of tear gas and other riot control measures (Coleman, 2019). There are vesicants (Blister) that can cause blisters to form on the skin and ocular or respiratory damage if inhaled, which can be exceedingly painful.

Bacteria, viruses, fungus, and their metabolites are examples of biological agents. Their dissemination methods are comparable to chemical dispersal. The deadliest agents in category A are quickly disseminated or transferred, have high fatality rates, and may generate public panic or societal disturbance. Agents in Category A: They all fall under the umbrella of the viral hemorrhagic fever family: anthrax; Ebola; Marburg; Dengue; Hantavirus; Rift Valley; Junin; Machupo; Guanarito; and Chapare. In addition, Botulism is a foodborne illness that causes descending paralysis within six to ten days of exposure and is usually fatal. The United States has weaponized tularemia.

There are two main types of explosive weaponry. Detonation of high-order explosives causes high-pressure blast waves responsible for most of the first explosion casualties. TNT, dynamite, and C4 are examples of high-order explosives. Degradation and absence of a blast wave make low-order explosives like gunpowder, fireworks, and pyrotechnics dangerous (Johnson, 2015). There are no over-pressurization and no primary blast wave injuries with these low-order explosives, even if they are still potentially fatal.

The world’s greatest militaries are developing CBRN weapons to improve their defense. Because of this, these weapons have a long-term impact on the human race. The Assad administration in Syria has employed chemical weapons. Syria possesses various chemical weapons, including mustard gas and nerve agents such as sarin and VX.

Of all of these CBRNE weapons, chemical weapons are the world’s biggest threat because they are released in the air and get inhaled by everyone. Whether old or young, male or female, rich or poor, chemical weapons wipe out everything. Another reason why they are the biggest threat is because they are undetectable, and one can do nothing to protect themselves. The bible says in Ephesians 6:13 that “therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm” (King James Bible)