Literature homework help

Prepare and write
a paper in an
organized and
systematic way.
Part 1 of
Experiment due 3
days before the
paper is due in
your other course.
Submit the following strategies a minimum of three days prior to the due
date of the paper in your other course:
(1) Planning Tool
(2) Paper specifics,
(3) Before section of the paper writing profile,
(4) Topic outline or graphic organizer,
(5) Source outline,
(6) Writing schedule,
(7) Write draft paper,
(8) Critique of the draft and
(9) The final paper.
All of the above should be typed except for the topic outline/graphic
organizer and writing schedule which can be created by hand.
Instructions for each of the above strategies are below.
Chunk this project
by creating a
planning tool that
will keep you on
Plan to complete
the project
1. Before beginning, use a time and task management tool from Chapter
4 to plan the completion of each part of the project.
Use a Target Planner or D’s Due
and Do.
Understand the
Paper Specifics 2. Select a course that you will have a paper due in the next 2 to 3 weeks
and identify the following details of the paper: Topic, length, format
that should be used, when it is due and the grading rubric. Note the
paper should be at least 1000 words or 3 full pages in length.
Your professor may have provided
this in the syllabus or in a separate
handout. You can just photocopy it.
Document what
you do now.
Before Section of
Paper Writing
3. Complete the “Before Experiment” section of the Paper Preparation
Profile on pg. 375 in textbook:
• In the 1st column, describe what you usually do to prepare for
Be honest with yourself.
writing a paper and,
• In the 2nd column, write a letter grade to signify the effectiveness
of your current strategies to prepare for writing a paper.
Decrease anxiety
about what to
write and organize
your ideas for a
Topic Outline or
Graphic Organizer
4. Based on an initial brainstorming of your own ideas, create a topic
outline for your paper OR arrange these ideas in a graphic organizer.
• To create a topic outline, use standard outline format to organize
the topics you will discuss in your paper and the sub-topics.
• If you create a Graphic Organizer, use a format that clearly
illustrates how one idea relates to another and includes the main
idea(s) and significant detail(s).
Visual and kinesthetic learners
would find a graphic organizer most
Helps keep the
material organized
and cite sources
Source Outline 5. Create a source outline detailing all sources for each of the topics and
sub-topics in your paper.
• You can add sources to your topic outline or graphic organizer,
use reading/note taking strategies like flash cards, plug in, or post
• This can also be a separate document that lists sources in an
outline or reference list format.
• Include citation information, page references, quotes to use and
location in paper or topic it relates to.
Use an online reference builder to
create your reference page or
bibliography. 12 Best Free Online
Bibliography and Citation Tools:
Helps prevent last
minute composing
and editing or
writing the whole
paper in one
Writing Schedule 6. Create a writing schedule using one of the time and task management
tools in Chapter 4:
• Label specific dates and times for preparing for your paper and
writing. For e.g. research for writing, consolidation of your
information, writing page 1 or introduction, write a preliminary
draft, meet with consultant, revise, and writing the final paper.
• Submit a copy of your planner.
Your paper preparation and writing
is planned during 1 to 2 weeks prior
to the due date.
Be realistic with your planning.
Compose the
Preliminary Draft
7. Implement your writing schedule and write a preliminary draft of your
• The rough draft should match the assignment instructions.
• The draft follows the graphic organizer or topic outline.
Sometimes while writing a new idea
formulates. Note any changes you
have made on your topic
outline/graphic organizer and
include your rationale for your
Improve the
quality in your
Critique the Draft 8. Solicit constructive feedback of the preliminary draft from a writing
consultant, TA, or professor.
• Draft submitted must show editorial changes and comments. Can
be hand written or tracked changes.
It is helpful to have someone
critique your writing so that unclear
points, misspellings and grammar
can be corrected.
Revisions and
Final Copy
9. Make final revisions incorporating the constructive feedback and
proofread your final copy.
To reflect on your
experience of
completing the
Part 2 of
Experiment due
two days after the
due date of the
Submit the following strategies two days after you have completed and
submitted the paper:
(10) After section of the paper writing profile,
(11) Reflection
Make sure these steps are in your
D’s Due and DO to make sure you
don’t forget this part of the
Assess how
helpful the
strategies were.
Paper Writing
10. Complete the “After Experiment” section of the Paper Writing Profile
on pg. 375 in textbook:
• Write a letter grade in the last column to signify the effectiveness of
each of the strategies you tried for the experiment.
Assess the impact
of the strategies.
Reflection 11. Summarize your results and describe your experience.
• Contrast the difference in effectiveness between your paper
writing activities before the paper experiment, to the strategies
used in the paper experiment.
The paper writing profile and the
reflection should be consistent with
each other.
• Describe the steps that were particularly helpful and why.
• Describe your level of confidence writing and with the final
• Describe how you would change to efficiently write for your next
• Your reflection should be at least 3 full pages typed and doubled
spaced. Font size 12 Times New Roman.