Management homework help

The executive Director of your local Chamber of Commerce has been bending your Mayor’s ear that local government needs to do more to attract new businesses to your city. You, and the Mayor, are well aware that the financial condition of the city is not healthy, in fact the meager reserves the city now has may well be eaten up in the coming year through providing basic essential services, the city may even go into a deficit. There are therefore no resources for lavish advertising or public relations campaigns. Nevertheless, to appease the chamber director, who does have a big mouth in the business community and is also well connected in certain political circles, the Mayor has asked you to come up with a business attraction strategy that will appease the chamber while at the same time not breaking the bank.
Identify four or five activities that you propose that would make your city more aggressive in its’ recruitment activities, while at the same time being fiscally prudent. In preparing your response think of the type of businesses that would have the most positive impact on your city’s treasury. Prepare your response in the form of a memo to the Mayor.