Management homework help

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Grounded theory methodology’s “aim is to inductively build a theoretical framework regarding a particular concept.”[1] This qualitative research method allows a fresh approach to a study being conducted and hence a new perspective. Existing journals, theses and case studies were not enough to formulate a coherent framework for this study. This paper is a comparative study and hence required a grounded theory approach to develop a consistent approach for data collection and analysis. It is “the discovery of theory from data that is systematically obtained from research.”[2] I developed a broad set of questions that could be applied to all the sectors to get a better sense of the structure and sustainability and hence from the results evaluate the efficiency of the structures. The study was carried out in New Delhi. With the help of preliminary research, I was able to find common themes that could be applied to the interview questions and simplify the analysis of the results and observations. It was also important to understand the nature of these organizations and the management.
I chose one organization per sector as the private and social sectors comprise of various organization addressing one aspect of water management. CEO’s for all three were contacted, as I wanted a general perspective on the issues I was addressing. Initially all three organizations agreed to do the interviews however the private and social sectors refused to answer questions about organizational structure, efficiency, ethics and sustainability as it went against their company policies. The CEO of the Delhi Jal Board requested me to use another approach to conduct the interview, as heads of various departments were required to answer those particular questions.  I was told to use e-mail as a communication method.
Due to the elimination of two organizations I chose to approach another private company. The interview conducted is via phone and email.
Existing records and studies for the following sectors were also used. As water management also requires a quantitative research method, Secondary research proved to be an appropriate data collection methodology, as it required scientific and technical expertise.
Method: Field observations
Delhi Jal Board
The Delhi Jal Board is large organization comprising of a laree number of departments. The CEO’s office was heavily guarded and his private secretary’s office was close by. The office spaces are divided according to the role of the employee, which is a common phenomenon for most Government run organizations in India. The layout of the office space was an indicator of the organizational structure of the DJB. As it follows a top down structure, internal communication is poor and hence there is no transparency in the system. I was introduced to the Head of Communications, Mrs. Chima, and she was threatened by the comparison of the DJB to other sectors. The CEO, Mr Ramesh Negi asked me to hand over the interview questions to Mrs. Chima and asked me to leave.
Method: Secondary Research
Secondary research was conducted prior to the primary research in order to thorough understand the concept of water management. There are a number of dissertations, case studies and theses published that address the technical, social and ethical realms of water management however there are no management related studies carried out. Water being a social service needs to be considered as a product and a service in order to improve existing systems that are dedicated to eradicate the water shortage issue of New Delhi. Based on the secondary research it was apparent that management related questions must be addressed in the interviews and field research to analyze the roles of these sectors and the strengths and weaknesses of their existing organizational structure and delivery models.
[1] Larissa, von Alberti, and Khaldoon Al-Htaybat. “Qualitative Accounting Research: An Account of Glaser’s Grounded Theory.” Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management 7.2 (2010): 208-26. ProQuest. 30 Nov. 2011 <>.
[2] Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. I. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Chicago, IL: Aldine.
did she still answer the questions? Or refused to do so?