Management homework help

Individual Report (Week 11) 20%.html

Instructions for Individual Report

Due December 5, 11:59 pm
Please choose your company from the following sources then Sign up for Individual Report. No duplication please. Please make sure that you choose a company, not a government organization.

You work for the company above as an Assistant Financial Analyst in the Department of Finance. You conduct a research on financial support for the company during the pandemic, then write a memo and a report for the company’s Financial Manager on the opportunities for financial assistance.


  • Please use the AIDA model and see the example below.
  • Include a subject line and an email signature.

Example of content of a one-page memo, with 3 points

(Please note: Avoid using all caps)


Please write a 2-to-3 page report for the Financial Manager (you can search for a name from the company’s website, or make up a name).
Format: One Word document. PDF is not accepted.

  • Memo (email): 1 page
  • Report (attachment): 3-5 pages
    • Introduction: 1/3 page
    • Three sources of funding: who provides the funding, how much, how to apply, assessment of the chance of getting funding/assistance.
    • Conclusion: 1/3 page
    • References (at least 8 sources)

Sources: Please consult the following sources.

Please note:

  • At least 8 sources: including the case study and the company’s website. Use EDC, TCS, ISED, McKinsey, MaRS, Financial Post, Bloomberg, other professional sources. List them alphabetically in References.
  • Use APA citation style:
    • At least one in-text citation per source listed in References.
    • References and in-text citations: start with last name of author / name of organization. Photos and graphs: see here.
    • References and in-text citations have to match.
    • References: in alphabetical order.
      • “The” doesn’t count. For example, The Economist counts as “Economist”, E in the alphabetical order.
      • Not necessary to say “Received from”.
  • Your report should be written in a professional document, single-spaced using Times New Roman, 12 pt font, one-page memo plus 2-to-3 page report plus photos, graphs, and References.
    • To ensure consistency in format: Ctrl + Alt to “control all”, then change your font, font size, paragraph “Before” 0 and “After” 0, line spacing “single” or “multiple 1.08”. You should do this before starting your assignment when you open a new Word document, and again after completing your assignment before uploading it.
  • The assignment should be submitted via the digital dropbox by Week 12.
  • This report is worth 20% of your course grade.
Example of content of a two-page report with 3 points

(Please note: Your content should be 2-3 pages plus photos, graphs, and References)