Management homework help

Deliverable: Answer the following 3 questions.
Times New Roman, font size 12, double spaced. No page limit.
Answers should be insightful, comprehensive, and connected to the content covered in this course.
Q.1 Ethical Decisions – 1 point
Vik’s partner is suffering from a rare viral disease. A medicine that might cure this disease has been launched recently by a pharmaceutical company that developed it. The company is selling the drug at a very high price, in part because it was extremely costly to produce due to the complex research procedures and high-cost equipment.
Vik cannot afford the drug himself and tried all avenues to borrow but could only collect half of the medicine cost. He sought an audience with the CEO of the pharmaceutical company, explained the situation, and pleaded with the CEO to sell the drug cheaper or to allow him to defer the payment. The CEO declined these requests as no exceptions could be made due to the massive funds spent on the research and equipment.
Vik is devastated, is very confused about what to do next. He is considering breaking into the company lab and stealing the medicine for his partner.
What do you think Vik should do and WHY? Explain and justify your response using the relevant Ethical Perspectives that drive the process of Moral Judgment.
Consider the following options are you respond to this question.
Option 1: If you think that it is wrong for Vik to steal the medicine:
Why do you think it’s wrong to steal? Justify your perspective using the relevant Ethical Perspective.
Option 2: If you think that Vik should steal the medicine:
Why do you think he should steal the medicine? Justify your perspective using the relevant Ethical Perspective.
Suppose the person dying is a stranger and not his partner. Should Vik steal the medicine for the stranger?
Q.2 Justice – 1 point
Put yourself in the shoes of a manager. If you could focus on only one of the four justice dimensions (distributive, procedural, interpersonal, informational), which one would you focus on and why?
Which of the four justice dimensions would you find most difficult to maximize in your workplace? Why do you think it is the most difficult to maximize?
Which of the four justice dimensions would be the easiest to maximize? How would you maximize it?
Q.3 Leadership – 1 point
Consider the four dimensions of transformational leadership: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration.
Which of those dimensions from your leader would you respond to most favorably? Why – Use 1-3 relevant OB concepts from this course to justify your response. (For example, you can consider which one would motivate you the most, which one would increase your job satisfaction, organizational commitment, etc. Which one would motivate you to be ethical.)