Management homework help

Management homework help
Power Point
case study
See attached
Part 1
Within the context of Smart Cities, many regions are employing e-technologies to enhance public service. Today’s cities and towns reveal improvements to providing public services because of e-government capabilities. Select a town or city located in the United States, and write an investigative summary detailing at least one e-government application that has improved public service provided to the citizenry. Refer to the unit study guide for application ideas that include wireless technology services or mobile apps used on smartphones to enhance public services.
Your paper should logically identify the following items:
who the service impacts (lists all stakeholders and beneficiaries),
what the technology offers (identify what the capabilities the service provides),
where the service is located,
when the capability or service began,
why the technology enhances or improves services, and
what the cost estimates were to initiate and/or maintain these capabilities.
Your assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length and follow APA style. Be sure to include a title page containing the title of the assignment, your name, and the name of the university. The title page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
Part 2
Develop a presentation that expands on Part 1. First, you should start by explaining the issue that was addressed in Part 1. Next, you will explain how e-government, e-commerce, and e-learning tools can be used to improve the issue. Finally, propose solutions to the issue using the concepts covered in the course. This is a chance for you to display your understanding of the theories and topics discussed in the course.
Your presentation must be at least 14 slides in length, not including title and reference slides. You must use at least two scholarly sources in your presentation. Be sure to cite any direct quotes or paraphrased material using APA format.